Committee Members

The FIRST Tech Challenge SoCal / Greater Los Angeles (LAFTC) Planning Committee can be reached at for general questions and inquiries. For specific functions, the Committee is organized as follows:

  • Arabian Prince – President, Next Careers
  • Alex Fax – Treasurer, Next Careers
  • Theresa Klemme – Co-Affiliate Program Delivery Partner; Event Manager
  • Patrick Brophy – Co-Affiliate Program Delivery Partner; Event Manager; Co-Lead Volunteer Coordinator; Secretary, Next Careers  
  • Brian Johnson – Treasurer
  • Erin Rehard – Administrative Assistant; Head Registration; Regional Website; Robot Tuesday Author
  • Bob Meinhard – Head Regional Judge Advisor; Mentor Resources 
  • Cindy Chung-Prestwood – Head Regional Judge Advisor Assistant; Co-Lead Volunteer Coordinator 
  • Amanda Sullivan – Kickoff Coordinator; League/Event Coordinator; Head Scorekeeper
  • Ellen McIsaac – Head Referee
  • Stacey MacPherson – Kickoff Host; F League Host
  • Brian Bugert Sr – Assistant Scorekeeper
  • Terry Domae – Regional Lead Robot Inspector
  • Tom Dobson – Championship Host Site Manager
  • Kenneth Wah, Taylor Halsey and Corey Porter – Committee Members
  • TBD – Engineering Outreach 


SoCal/LA Planning Committeecommunity@firsttechsocal.orgGeneral questions and inquiries – a good starting point for everything
Theresa KlemmeTFKlemme@gmail.comAffiliate Partner; Event Manager
Patrick Brophypatrickbrophy123@gmail.comAffiliate Partner; Event Manager; Co-Lead Volunteer Coordinator
Brian Johnsonaccounting@firsttechsocal.orgTreasurer
Erin Rehardregistration@firsttechsocal.orgHead Registration
Amanda Sullivanasullivan855@gmail.comEvent Manager; Head Scorekeeper
Bob Meinhardbmeinhard@outlook.comHead Regional Judge Advisor;  Mentor Resources
Cindy Chung-Prestwoodcindyprestwood@gmail.comHead Judge Advisor Assistant; Co-Lead Volunteer Coordinator

Please know that if you have any questions or concerns, we are here to support you and your students throughout all your endeavors. Feel free to reach out at any time. We wish you all the best in these upcoming months and look forward to meeting you soon! 

SoCal / Greater LA FIRST Tech Challenge (LAFTC) Planning Committee