Qualifying Tournament 1 – Fountain Valley (Sunday 1/30/2022) – Awards and Advancements
Thank you ALL for a great in-person event this past Sunday! It’s been 2 years since we’ve been together, and it was great to see all of the robots and teams in person! I also appreciate that everyone followed our COVID rules (ID cards and masks indoors) while still having a good time.
For a full list of our Awards and for the day, please see the list below and check out the website: http://www.firsttechsocal.org/
Scores are uploaded on https://ftc-events.firstinspires.org/
Advancement to SoCal FTC State Championship on March 12, 2022 19510 VolTek 15091 aztec.exe 20191 bread pandas 5285 Robo Knights 19516 Huskyteers 13277 Steampunks Bravo |
Inspire Award Winner – 19510 VolTech Second Place – 20191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas Third Place – 15091 aztec.exe |
Winning Alliance Captain – 15091 aztec.exe Winning Alliance 1st Team Selected – 5285 Robo Knights Winning Alliance 2nd Team Selected – 19516 The Huskyteers |
Finalist Alliance Captain – 20799 CyberDragons Petunia Finalist Alliance 1st Team Selected – 13171 Polyisoprene Mallards Finalist Alliance 2nd Team Selected – 19510 VolTech |
Think Award Winner – 13277 STEAMpunks Bravo Second Place – 20191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas Third Place – 19510 VolTech |
Innovate Award sponsored by Raytheon Technologies Winner – 19516 The Huskyteers Second Place – 15091 aztec.exe Third Place – 20191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas |
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. Winner – 15091 aztec.exe Second Place – 20799 CyberDragons Petunia Third Place – 19510 VolTech |
Motivate Award Winner – 18818 Loose Screws Second Place – 19510 VolTech Third Place – 9254 STEM Punks |
Design Award Winner – 20191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas Second Place – 13171 Polyisoprene Mallards Third Place – 18882 Robonarchs |
Promote Award Winner – 20191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas Second Place – 14377 RoboPanthers Third Place – 19510 VolTech |
Compass Award Winner – Daniel Ji of Team 19510 VolTech |
Judges’ Choice Award Winner – 19798 Inkineers Second Place – 19713 FVroboticsTEAM_Visionaries |
Judges’ Choice Award Winner – 19798 Inkineers Second Place – 19713 FVroboticsTEAM_Visionaries |
Dean’s List Semi-Finalists Tyler C., 15091 aztec.exe Nicholas O., 18882 Robonarchs TJ V., 18882 Robonarchs |
Rank | Number | Name | RP | TBP1 | TBP2 | HS | Played |
1 | 15091 | aztec.exe | 859 | 270 | 345 | 214 | 5 |
2 | 20799 | CyberDragons Petunia | 802 | 210 | 344 | 188 | 5 |
3 | 13171 | Polyisoprene Mallards | 769 | 162 | 365 | 180 | 5 |
4 | 18882 | Robonarchs | 730 | 222 | 278 | 187 | 5 |
5 | 5285 | Robo Knights | 676 | 164 | 362 | 193 | 5 |
6 | 20315 | Mechanical Masters | 612 | 153 | 267 | 188 | 5 |
7 | 5363 | YULA Varsity | 607 | 215 | 298 | 187 | 5 |
8 | 18818 | Loose Screws | 566 | 132 | 279 | 155 | 5 |
9 | 18078 | Cypress Robotitans | 548 | 170 | 256 | 173 | 5 |
10 | 19516 | The Huskyteers | 506 | 186 | 296 | 214 | 5 |
11 | 19510 | VolTech | 479 | 174 | 235 | 152 | 5 |
12 | 19894 | FVroboticsTeam_Atominators | 470 | 155 | 279 | 141 | 5 |
13 | 9040 | STEAMpunks Alpha | 460 | 98 | 228 | 140 | 5 |
14 | 14377 | RoboPanthers | 448 | 119 | 299 | 165 | 5 |
15 | 20191 | FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas | 432 | 118 | 324 | 121 | 5 |
16 | 19798 | Inkineers | 419 | 137 | 210 | 103 | 5 |
17 | 19713 | FVroboticsTEAM_Visionaries | 416 | 103 | 235 | 132 | 5 |
18 | 9254 | STEM Punks | 415 | 91 | 172 | 132 | 5 |
19 | 15497 | MantArrays | 401 | 110 | 141 | 137 | 5 |
20 | 13277 | STEAMpunks Bravo | 389 | 94 | 170 | 157 | 5 |
21 | 19812 | Quantum Leap | 363 | 130 | 192 | 129 | 5 |
22 | 20226 | FVroboticsTEAM_Point 7 | 359 | 80 | 248 | 87 | 5 |
Qualifier 1 Welcome Letter is here.
Volunteer Letter is here.
Judging Times are here.
COVID Protocol is here.
- Key dates are:
· January 23, 2022 – Compass and Promote Submission due before midnight. To submit, click here.
· January 28, 9pm – Engineering Portfolio, Control Award form, and Control Award video due date. To submit, go to link on your FIRST Dashboard.
Location: Fountain Valley High School, 17816 Bushard St, Fountain Valley, CA, 92708 (Google Map)