Robot Tuesday enewsletter. Here are the Awards results for the weekend of Feb. 10, 2018 in Monrovia, CA.

InterLeague Tournament Awards 2/10 Monrovia ILT, Leagues B- C2
Inspire Winner 4625 Kings and Queens
Inspire, 2nd Place 4628 Suit Bots
Inspire, 3rd Place 25 Rock N’ Roll Robots
Think Award Winner 9512 Hippie Bots
Connect Award Winner 4628 Suit Bots
Rockwell Collins Innovate Award Winner 9881 Golden Gears
Design Award Winner 5218 Javabots
Motivate Award Winner 6570 Piradians
Control Award Winner 25 Rock N’ Roll Robots
Promote Award Winner 4153 Droidnoughts
Compass Award Winner Cindy Oda, 25 Rock N’ Roll Robots
Judge’s Award 11333 Samurai
Winning Alliance, Captain 4628 Suit Bots
Winning Alliance, 1st Pick 4625 Kings and Queens
Winning Alliance, 2nd Pick 9881 Golden Gears
Finalist Alliance, Captain 5218 Javabots
Finalist Alliance, 1st Pick 11825 Graveyard Shift
Finalist Alliance, 2nd Pick 10674 Raven Robotics
We are advancing approximately 1/3 of teams from each InterLeague Tournaments to the Regional Championship on Sat., Feb. 24.  The ratio is based on the number of teams that compete at the ILTs, so number of advancements are not finalized and may increase (low percentage chance) if teams do not show up or pass inspections at future InterLeague Tournaments.  Also, additional teams may be invited to Championships in the rare case that a team from their ILT cannot make it to the Regional Championship. Here are the Advancements from this weekend, plus another advancement from the Perris Saturday weekend:
Order of advancement 2/10 Monrovia ILT , League B- C2
27 teams, 9 advance
Inspire Winner 4625 Kings and Queens
Winning Alliance Captain 4628 Suit Bots
Winning Alliance, 1st team selected ALREADY ADVANCED ABOVE
Inspire 3rd Place 25 Rock N’ Roll Robots
Winning Alliance, 2nd team selected 9881 Golden Gears
Think Award Winner 9512 Hippie Bots
Finalist Alliance captain 5218 Javabots
Finalist Alliance, 1st team selected 11825 Graveyard Shift
Rockwell Collins Innovate Award Winner ALREADY ADVANCED ABOVE
Finalist Alliance, 2nd team selected 10674 Raven Robotics
Motivate Winner 6570 Piradians
Additional Advancement  from ILT Perris Saturday We conservatively calculated advancing numbers based on original teams who registered for ILTs.  We have had some teams not compete on those days, which allowed us to allocate another advancement to our large ILT on Perris Saturday.  Please congratulate our additional advancing team:
Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced from Finalist Division 8472 Robotatoes
Next Steps for Advancing Teams The advancing teams should check their email for an invitation from and an invoice via PayPal from for the championship registration fee.]]>