Robot Tuesday enewsletter. Here are the Awards results for the weekend of Feb. 27 and 28, 2018 at the Palmdale Aerospace Academy in Palmdale, CA.

Awards 2/17 Palmdale Leagues A1-I 2/18 Palmdale Leagues A2-D
Inspire Winner 3526 Marlbots 8496 Heat It Up and Keep It Cool
Inspire, 2nd Place 542 WHS Robotics 10298 Brain Stormz
Inspire, 3rd Place 9836 ElectroMedics Gold 9804 Bomb Squad
Think Award Winner 5380 ElectroMedics Red 12675 Hermit Social Club
Connect Award Winner 9887 RoboVikings 5942 Team Torch
Rockwell Collins Innovate Award Winner 9836 ElectroMedics Gold 10298 Brain Stormz
Design Award Winner 542 WHS Robotics 9804 Bomb Squad
Motivate Award Winner 8396 Secret Team 8894 Clueless Robotics (Team ADHD^2)
Control Award Winner 5390 Vikings 11167 Verdugo Hills High School Robotics
Promote Award Winner 4344 Rickrollers 11688 Dad’s Club Robotics
Compass Award Winner Mr. Kelly, 4344 Rickrollers Mr. Johnson, 9894 RoboLions
Judge’s Award 10673 Spudbots 13978 Mechanized Garbage A
Winning Alliance, Captain 5380 ElectroMedics Red 10298 Brain Stormz
Winning Alliance, 1st Pick 11770 Curiosity 13978 Mechanized Garbage A
Winning Alliance, 2nd Pick 4512 West Torrance Robotics 11167 Verdugo Hills High School Robotics
Finalist Alliance, Captain 9836 ElectroMedics Gold 9804 Bomb Squad
Finalist Alliance, 1st Pick 3526 Marlbots 8496 Heat It Up and Keep It Cool
Finalist Alliance, 2nd Pick 4344 Rickrollers 6282 Simi Valley Robotics
Order of advancement 2/17 Palmdale Leagues A1-I 2/18 Palmdale Leagues A2-D
29 teams, 10 advance 27 teams, 10 advance
Inspire Winner 3526 Marlbots 8496 Heat It Up and Keep It Cool
Winning Alliance Captain 5380 ElectroMedics Red 10298 Brain Stormz
Inspire 2nd Place 542 WHS Robotics ADVANCED ABOVE
Winning Alliance, 1st team selected 11770 Curiosity 13978 Mechanized Garbage A
Inspire 3rd Place 9836 ElectroMedics Gold 9804 Bomb Squad
Winning Alliance, 2nd team selected 4512 West Torrance Robotics 11167 Verdugo Hills High School Robotics
Think Award Winner ADVANCED ABOVE 12675 Hermit Social Club
Connect Award Winner 9887 RoboVikings 5942 Team Torch
Finalist Alliance, 1st team selected ADVANCED ABOVE ADVANCED ABOVE
Rockwell Collins Innovate Award Winner ADVANCED ABOVE ADVANCED ABOVE
Finalist Alliance, 2nd team selected 4344 Rickrollers 6282 Simi Valley Robotics
Motivate Winner 8396 Secret Team 8894 Clueless Robotics (Team ADHD^2)
Control Award Winner 5390 Vikings ADVANCED ABOVE
Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced from Winning Division 9247 Chromium Robotics (announced after event)
  In addition, we are increasing advancement to 50 teams, increasing the advancement ratio to 36%, and adding the following two teams:
  • Perris Sunday, 359 Webb.exe, Finalist Alliance, 2nd Pick
  • Monrovia, 4947 Cougarobotics Alpha, Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced