Description: This week the weekly workshop will be discussing how teams are meeting remotely across the LA region. Every team has their own way of navigating through the season and will discuss what lessons they have learned. All the teams will bring their knowledge and expertise about FTC and how they are moving forward with the upcoming season.

Background: FTC Team 12525 Wolf Corp, 11770 Curiosity, 14925 Operation T.A.C. 6832 Patriotic Robotics, 9432 Blood Sweat & Gears, and 7832 Gear Gurus will be sharing their experiences in a round table discussion. All these teams come from around the LA region and have multiple years of experience.

Topic: Team Share (Working Remote)
Time: November 21, 2020 (Saturday) 1:00-2:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 851 0150 6746

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