Thank you for a GREAT kickoff reboot event! If you missed it, you can watch it here, or visit our YouTube channel:
Chris Johannesen shared the new in-app feature which allows FTC teams to practice for scrimmages and QT, without needing a separate stopwatch or the scoring software. Here’s how to do it:
1. On FTC Driver Station (DS) phone, swipe down twice from top of screen, put phone in Auto-rotate mode (not Portrait).
2. Open FTC Driver Station app, version 6.0.
3. Touch 3-dots menu, Settings, Driver Station Layout, choose Landscape.
4. Turn up the volume, hold the phone sideways. If needed, minimize the app and re-open. Practice Timer is near top left corner.
The timer can start from the beginning of Autonomous, the Auto-to-TeleOp transition, TeleOp only, or Endgame. Stop/reset the timer whenever needed.