Congratulations to our 23 teams who competed remotely in Qualifying Tournament #2! We’re impressed with the creativity and resourcefulness of each of you as you figured out how to design, build and complete with limited interaction with your teammates.  This year really shows that necessity is the mother of invention and hats off to you for doing your best to compete! The awards, robot performance scores, and advancements to the Championship are listed below.

Qualifying Tournament #2 Awards

AwardsQT #2 (March 20, 2021)
Inspire Winner14295 Operation T.A.C.
Inspire 2nd Place6436 AlphaGenesis
Inspire 3rd Place14531 The 2nd Rebellion
Rank 118253 Beach Bots
Rank 212861 RoboHeroes
Rank 315091 aztec.exe
Rank 46436 AlphaGenesis
Rank 513046 Riptide Robotics
Rank 614531 The 2nd Rebellion
Think Award Winner6436 AlphaGenesis
Think 2nd Place14531 The 2nd Rebellion
Think 3rd Place18253 Beach Bots
Connect Award Winner18253 Beach Bots
Connect 2nd place14295 Operation T.A.C.
Connect 3rd place13046 Riptide Robotics
Collins Aerospace Innovate Winner9894 RoboLions
Collins Innovate 2nd place14295 Operation T.A.C.
Collins Innovate 3rd place14531 The 2nd Rebellion
Control Award Winner15091 aztec.exe
Control Award 2nd6436 AlphaGenesis
Control Award 3rd12861 RoboHeroes
Motivate Winner14531 The 2nd Rebellion
Motivate 2nd place6436 AlphaGenesis
Motivate 3rd place4348 RoboKnights
PTC Design Award Winner4348 RoboKnights
PTC Design Award 2nd Place14295 Operation T.A.C.
PTC Design Award 3rd Place14531 The 2nd Rebellion
Promote Video15091 aztec.exe
Compass Video15091 aztec.exe Coach Kin Lee

QT #2 Robot Performance Scores

RankTeam #Team NameRPM1  M2M3M4M5M6
118253Beach Bots1714354211267315288279
513046Riptide Robotics1326204216222222222240
614531The 2nd Rebellion84220113198181208122
714295Operation T.A.C.5935613350106123125
1015303Space Rocks316762052505860
129881Golden Gears238524044352344
1416326Clam Chowder16054545251030
1815305Cerritos Dons262600000
207834Drastic Measures12402600
228396Secret Team0000000

Beach Bots filmed their high score run for the qualifier and we have their permission to include the link here! The YouTube link for the QT #2 Award Ceremony is here!

QT #2 Deans List Semi-Finalists

Student’s NameTeam NumberTeam Name
Nicholas4344  Rickrollers
Aidan  4344Rickrollers
Veda  9894RoboLions
Nathan  12861RoboHeroes
Collin  12861RoboHeroes
Julian  13046Riptide Robotics
Samir  13046Riptide Robotics
Titus  14295Operation T.A.C.
Luke  14295Operation T.A.C.
Joey  15091aztec.exe
Charles  15303Space Rocks
Xing  15303Space Rocks

QT #2 Teams advancing to the Los Angeles Championship on April 24

NumberAdvancement CriteriaTeam #Team Name# Advanced
1Inspire Award Winner14295Operation T.A.C.1
2Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced18253Beach Bots2
3Inspire Award 2nd place6436AlphaGenesis3
4Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced12861RoboHeroes4
5Inspire Award 3rd place14531The 2nd Rebellion5
6Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced15091aztec.exe6
7Think Award Winner6436 – Advancing AboveAlphaGenesis6
8Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced13046Riptide Robotics7
9Connect Award Winner18253 – Advancing AboveBeach Bots7
10Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced9894RoboLions8
11Collins Aerospace Innovate Award Winner9894 – Advancing AboveRoboLions8
12Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced14921AlphaOmega9
13Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. Winner15091 – Advancing Aboveaztec.exe9
14Motivate Award Winner14531 – Advancing AboveThe 2nd Rebellion9
15Design Award Winner4348RoboKnights10
16Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced15303Space Rocks11
17Think Award 2nd place14531 – Advancing AboveThe 2nd Rebellion11
18Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced19198Team12

Detailed event information can be found here.

Theresa Klemme and Patrick Brophy

FIRST Robotics FTC Event Coordinators and Co-Affiliate Partners for Los Angeles