Ontario (in partnership with BC and Alberta) will be hosting a REMOTE event called the Canada Cup this year.  This is just a fun event.  We’ll be accepting 4-6 US teams as well so if you have interested teams please have them apply using this form.  

The basic timeline for the event is as follows:  

Thursday, June 3 (7PM EST)Coaches and Drivers meeting (one coach and one driver attend)
Friday, June 4 (earlier is better for feedback)Deadline to submit team intro and a sample robot game footageTeams will use our Team Intro template
Saturday, June 5 – Wednesday, June 9Submit Robot Game Scores at https://ftc-scoring.firstinspires.org/
Saturday, June 5 – Wednesday, June 9Submit TWO (2) official video matches using this form (not for scoring but for us to use in our Event Showcase)
Saturday June 5Judging in morning and afternoon – schedule in email to come
Saturday, June  12Event Showcase broadcast viewed at https://twitch.tv/firstcanada,  including opening ceremonies, match footage with live commentary, Control Award highlight & awards ceremoniesFor an example of our latest Showcase please visit: https://youtu.be/hRi1IpCh6Ag?t=580