Congratulations to our 24 teams who competed remotely in the Qualifying Tournament #4! We’re impressed with the creativity and resourcefulness of each of you as you figured out how to design, build and complete with limited interaction with your teammates!  This year really shows that necessity is the mother of invention and hats off to you for doing your best to compete. The awards, robot performance scores, and advancements are listed below. Congratulations!

Qualifying Tournament #4 Awards

AwardsQT #4 (April 3, 2021)
Inspire Winner542 WHS Robotics
Inspire 2nd Place11770 Curiosity
Inspire 3rd Place12765 Phoenix
Rank 111770 Curiosity
Rank 29220 Rancho Rebel Robotics
Rank 312765 Phoenix
Rank 49040 STEAMpunks Alpha
Rank 57460 Thunder
Rank 6542 WHS Robotics
Think Award Winner11770 Curiosity
Think 2nd Place542 WHS Robotics
Think 3rd Place14917 Asteria
Connect Award Winner12765 Phoenix
Connect 2nd Place13277 STEAMpunks Bravo
Connect 3rd Place25 Rock N’ Roll Robots
Collins Aerospace Innovate Winner9220 Rancho Rebel Robotics
Collins Innovate 2nd Place13303 Ad Hoc Bots
Collins Innovate 3rd Place9432 Blood, Sweat, & Gears
Control Award Winner17600 MoVal Robotics
Control Award 2nd Place11770 Curiosity
Control Award 3rd Place542 WHS Robotics
Motivate Winner6325 Aluminati
Motivate 2nd Place16795 GALA-XY
Motivate 3rd Place542 WHS Robotics
PTC Design Award Winner9432 Blood, Sweat, & Gears
PTC Design Award 2nd Place25 Rock N’ Roll Robots
PTC Design Award 3rd Place5218 Javabots
Promote Video Winner17600 MoVal Robotics
Promote Award 2nd Place14863 GALA – Team RGB
Promote Award 3rd Place16795 GALA-XY
Compass Video Winner14863 GALA – Team RGB John Landa
Compass Video 2nd Place11770 Curiosity Andrew Whitman
Compass Video 3rd Place9432 Blood, Sweat, & Gears Stacey MacPherson
Judges’ Award Winner14863 GALA – Team RGB
Judges’ Award 2nd Place5390 Vikings
Judges’ Award 3rd Place7767 Blueprints

QT #4 Robot Performance Scores

RankTeam #Team NameRPM1  M2M3M4M5M6
29220Rancho Rebel Robotics910142159148146163152
49040STEAMpunks Alpha65410511193117111117
6542WHS Robotics6071152713355125152
713277STEAMpunks Bravo59297961078495113
813303Ad Hoc Bots5791101059810263101
917600MoVal Robotics5679889719883128
116372Patriotic Robotics342436443606765
1425Rock N’ Roll Robots220442728462550
179247Chromium Robotics169241835313526
189432Blood, Sweat, & Gears158242420303030
2014863GALA – Team RGB66200510526
2210298Brain Stormz271350504
2415046Incognito Robotics

The YouTube link for the QT #4 Award Ceremony can be viewed on our LAFTC YouTube Channel here!

QT #4 Deans List Semi-Finalists

Student’s NameTeam NumberTeam Name
Cassie25Rock N’ Roll Robots
Kirsten542WHS Robotics
Darian542WHS Robotics
Danny13277STEAMpunks Bravo
Olivia14863GALA – Team RGB

QT #4 Teams advancing to the Los Angeles Championship on April 24

NumberAdvancement CriteriaTeam #Team Name# Advanced
1Inspire Award Winner542WHS Robotics1
2Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced11770Curiosity2
3Inspire Award 2nd place11770 – Advancing AboveCuriosity2
4Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced9220Rancho Rebel Robotics3
5Inspire Award 3rd place12765Phoenix4
6Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced9040STEAMpunks Alpha5
7Think Award Winner11770 – Advancing AboveCuriosity5
8Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced7460Thunder6
9Connect Award Winner12765 – Advancing AbovePhoenix6
10Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced13277STEAMpunks Bravo7
11Collins Aerospace Innovate Award Winner9220 – Advancing AboveRancho Rebel Robotics7
12Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced13303Ad Hoc Bots8
13Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. Winner17600MoVal Robotics9
14Motivate Award Winner6325Aluminati10
15Design Award Winner9432Blood, Sweat, & Gears11
16Highest Ranked Team not previously advanced7767Blueprints12

Detailed event information for QT #4 can be found here.

Theresa Klemme and Patrick Brophy

FIRST Robotics FTC Event Coordinators and Co-Affiliate Partners for Los Angeles